DOB - Depository On Blockchain

DOB 1 is closed

DOB 2 (DAC) is a hybrid of masternode (MN), staking and deposit. - MN because has worth amount that people need to have on balance. - Staking because people get accruals and do not send worth amount anywhere. - Deposit because has fixed deposit price and term.

Click here to read DOB 2 (DAC) WHITEPAPER

  1. Keep 50000 PGC on your wallet

  2. Pay 1000 PGC for registration

  3. Get 90 days profit = ESTIMATED DAILY DAC REWARD

For example: 90 * 630 = 56700 PGC

APR = (56700 - 1000) * 365 / (50000 *90) = 452%

How make DOB?

Open Web wallet and click "make DAC (DOB 2)"

Enter private key or click "SELECT A KEYSTORE FILE" and enter password and click "RECOVER"



Last updated